Career Development
Students pursuing an undergraduate degree in psychology at Texas State University can acquire a strong basic foundation to enhance their pursuit of career goals. By working with faculty on research projects, independent studies, field placements and practica students can especially strengthen relevant job skills. Employment opportunities are available in private industry, management, social services, probation, sales, research, education, and human resources.
For students planning to pursue a graduate degree, opportunities to work closely with faculty on research, independent studies, and field placements help to provide an experiential component and strong academic base for future graduate education.
Students seeking advice on career decisions are encouraged to meet with members of the faculty to discuss career goals. A complete list of career advising areas is available in the faculty directory. Filter by career advising interest to find faculty who can assist you.

Faculty in the department have also prepared a handout on psychology careers and graduate school, which is highly recommended to all students.
Below are additional resources about careers in psychology from other websites:
- Career Services @ Texas State
- APA's Guide for Careers in Psychology
- APA's Guide for Non-Academic Careers in Psychology
- Finding Psychology and Related Departments on the Internet
- Marky Lloyd's Careers in Psychology Page
- Social Psychology Network's Online Career Center
- HFES Guide to Preparing for a Career in Human Factors
- US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics