Conference & Travel

Travel Eligibility


- The applicant must enrolled in a graduate program.

- The applicant must be either the first (i.e., presenting) author of the poster or talk, or s/he must be a co-first author.  Also, the applicant's affiliation for the poster or talk must be Texas State University.

- Applicant must provide documented proof of abstract acceptance at the time of application, and for co-first authors, a statement from the mentor of co-primary authorship.

- Supplements are available to currently enrolled first and second year graduate students in the MAPR program.

- Applicants must not be on academic probation (i.e., they must have a GPA of 3.0 or greater)


  • Your travel application is initiated AFTER you receive notification of acceptance from the conference organizers. Submit your application as soon as possible. Applications will be processed on a rolling, first come/first served basis and funding will be awarded upon submission of receipts following the conference or meeting. Reimbursement beyond the $500 limit in a fiscal year will not be allowed.

  • You can apply for funding from the following sources (exact amounts awarded will vary depending on availability/demand):

    • Department of Psychology (MAPR Program) - please see Graduate College Application and Graduate Travel Supplement (above)
    • College of Liberal Arts - applicant must be presenting
    • Graduate College Application - applicant must be presenting
    • The Rising STAR Travel Grant
    • Complete the Student Travel Request through the department.
    • The completed Graduate Student Travel Fund Request form should be submitted to Kim Burns (, along with proof of confirmation of acceptance (forwarded email to Kim Burns would suffice). You will be notified via email when the funding has been awarded (the amount will vary depending on funding availability).
    • STAR travel grant applications are submitted AFTER notification from the Department. Students can apply for these grants here. (note that the ASG required the submission of a completion report via their website, which is due after you return from the conference).
  • Funding is used to REIMBURSE costs of conference travel AFTER it has occurred. When you return, be prepared to submit receipts for the following expenditures. All receipts must be IN YOUR NAME.

    • Airfare
    • Hotels (if sharing, make sure names of ALL OCCUPANTS to be reimbursed are on the receipt) - Texas State will reimburse the current rate for accommodation expenses (this rate is subject to change based on federal policy, please see the following link for  up-to-date information:  Accommodation costs include the duration of the conference and one travel day.
    • Other transportation costs (e.g. parking, shuttle, taxis) - name not necessary for parking costs

    Food costs are based on a per diem amount determined by the US General Services Administration. The current rate depends on your destination; however, this amount is subject to change. For up-to-date information about per diem rates, please see the following link:

    This rate will be applied to all conference days attended to determine food costs. Travel days will be reimbursed at 75% of the current rate.

    Submit your receipts, along with proof of attendance (a copy of the first page of the program with the conference name, dates, and location and a copy of your abstract as it appeared in the conference program) to Kim Burns who will submit the reimbursement request. Typically, reimbursement are awarded within 4-6 weeks.

    • Estimated costs for driving are based on a mileage calculation determined by the state of Texas. Regardless of the number of people in a vehicle, the University will reimburse only the driver of the vehicle and assumes that there are no passengers. Mileage rates change frequently - please seek the link below for up-to-date information about mileage rates:
    • If the mileage cost is higher than a return flight to your destination, the University will use the lower of the two to determine the amount of reimbursement.
    • Fuel receipts are not required; Texas State mileage calculations include the cost of fuel (gasoline is assumed).
  • You can apply for funding for more than one conference per academic cycle (beginning of Fall to the end of Summer). For example, if you plan to attend 2 conferences in an academic year, you can request/use funds from Liberal Arts and Graduate College for one conference, and request/use funds from the other sources (i.e. STAR Grant) for the second conference. Occasionally, additional funding will be available. Students will be notified of these exceptions via email.

  • In order to ensure the maximum disbursement of funds (if your travel will be expensive), it is often best to wait until the beginning of the new academic year (August) to submit your travel request.  if you have any questions about the timing of your request, please contact the Program Director.