Faculty Travel Request

Please fill-out this form for travel. All items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Tier I Travel - $2000 Allocation

• Faculty who have empirical papers or posters accepted for presentation. Typically, these presentations involve research findings (i.e., data) that have not been presented elsewhere.

• Conference program chairs or professional organization officers whose attendance is essential for the successful operation of the conference.

• Faculty performing professional service as discussants in academic paper presentations or as invited presenters for panel sessions.

Tier II Travel - $1000 Allocation

• Attendance at events that clearly enhance the faculty member’s professional development.

No Reimbursement

• You do not require any reimbursement for this travel.


Travel Tier (See Above) *
Use Grant money for
Check all the apply:
(Specify in comments)

The travel request and expense report will be created by Kim Burns. She can be reached at kjb168@txstate.edu or 5-8144. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact her.

Compliance Agreement *