Dr. Harvey Ginsburg
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
UAC 268
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 12:30-1:50; Email Tues & Thurs 12:20-1:50pm
I received my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Houston in 1973 and began teaching at Texas State the same year (46 years ago!).
I am a recipient of the University's Teaching Excellence Award (1984) and subsequently have been named a "Favorite Professor" by student organizations (most recently in 2012) or recipient of University Instructional Enhancement Awards 15 times.
I am currently co-advisor for the Texas State Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society and frequently teach classes in the University Honor's Program. I have published 46 articles appearing in referred academic journals that have included 60 undergraduate student co-authors. Over 100 students have also co-authored 138 research conference presentations with me. I have received external funding from the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute Of Education, Advanced Research Program of The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and scholarship awards from the Lindesmith Center (New York), a Division of The Open Society Institute.
I almost always involve undergraduate students with my research. My full resume at Texas State University can be accessed at the 'HB2504 website' and indicates a strong commitment and involvement with our undergraduates. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and hope that will come through in your class.
Areas of Interest
Cross-cultural/International Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
Health Psychology
Social Psychology
Favorite Quote
It is was it is, or was it is?