Psychology Day 2019
Psychology Day is the Psychology Department's day of celebration of the field of Psychology and includes many events to show off faculty and student research as well as career information for students.
Psychology Day 2019
Wednesday April 24th
Schedule of Events
Student Research Posters

9:30am - 11:30am UAC 275
All students who have conducted research during the past year are invited to showcase their projects with a poster. Awards for best graduate and undergraduate posters will be announced at the Mixer.
Career Panel

12:30pm - 1:30pm - UAC 308
All psychology students are invited to come hear from psychology professionals about their current psychology-related careers.
This year’s speakers include:
- Ana Vieira Ayala, Lawyer with the University of Texas System
- Angie Carballo, Director of Operations at Live Oak Living Community
- Carina Pinales, Consultant at Splash Coworking
Applied Internship Event

3:15pm - 4:15pm - UAC 275
Spring 2019 student interns, supervised by Ms. Robyn Rogers, will present posters representing the site where they completed their internships in an informal 'in the round' setting. Their on-site supervisors, faculty, friends, family and all students are invited to stop by and visit with the interns about their experience.
Appetizers will be served.
Student Organization Pizza Sales

11:30am - 12:30pm on the Quad
Student Psychology organizations will be selling food items during lunchtime. Current members will be on hand to answer questions about the organizations and membership requirements. Raffle tickets will be available for a drawing to be held at the mixer later in the day.
Cognitive Disabilities Learning Community Event

2:00pm - 3:00pm - UAC 275
This event will feature interns and representatives from the three current sites where student interns gain experience in working with individuals with cognitive disabilities residing in long-term care communities.
Information about internships and careers in the field of cognitive disabilities will be shared.
Student, Faculty, and Alumni Mixer

4:45pm - 5:45pm - UAC 275
All students, faculty, and alumni are invited to join in for this social event that includes refreshments to honor our graduating students. Raffle prizes and student awards will be presented during the mixer.
Any questions about Psychology Day 2019 should be directed to Dr. Randall Osborne